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Representative Publications

Over 71 publications; Citation index ratings: g-index: 46, h-index: 17, citations: 2,204, Cites/year: 100.18, Cites/paper: 31.04, top two article citation counts: 546 for journal article [6] and 489 for journal article [1], per Harzing’s Publish or Perish 8.2.3943.8118 (2022.03.23.1048) query of Google Scholar, June 2022.

Chapters in Books

  1. Gita Sukthankar, Katia Sycara, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Christopher Burnett. Communications for agent-based human team support. In Virginia Dignum (Editor), Organizations in Multi-Agent Systems, pp. 285 – 313. IGI-Global Handbook of Research, Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., March 2009. URL

  2. Katia Sycara, Joseph Andrew Giampapa∗, Brent K. Langley, and Massimo Paolucci. The RETSINA MAS, a case study. In Alessandro Garcia, Carlos Lucena, Franco Zambonelli, Andrea Omici, and Jaelson Castro (Editors), Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems: Research Issues and Practical Applications, volume LNCS 2603, pp. 232–250. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, July 2003. Peer-reviewed invited paper, ∗primary author, URL

Refereed Journal Papers

  1. Gabriela Hug-Glanzmann and Joseph Andrew Giampapa. Vulnerability assessment of AC state estimation with respect to false data injection cyber-attacks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 3(3):1362 – 1370, September 2012. ISSN 1949-3053. URL

  2. Katia Sycara, Timothy J. Norman, Joseph A. Giampapa, Martin J. Kollingbaum, Christopher Burnett, Daniele Masato, Mairi McCallum, and Michael H. Strub. Agent support for policy-driven collaborative mission planning. The Computer Journal: Special Issue on Advances in Sensing, Information Processing and Decision Making for Coalition Operations, 2009.

  3. Katia Sycara, Robin Glinton, Bin Yu, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Sean R. Owens, Michael Lewis, and LTC Charles Grindle. An integrated approach to high-level information fusion. Information Fusion: Spe- cial Issue on High-level Information Fusion and Situation Awareness, 10(1):25 – 50, January 2009. ISSN 1566- 2535. URL

  4. Cuihong Li, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. Bilateral negotiation decisions with uncertain dynamic outside options. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Special Issue on Game-theoretic Analysis and Stochastic Simulation of Negotiation Agents, 36(1), January 2006. URL

  5. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Katia Sycara, Sean R. Owens, Robin Glinton, Young-Woo Seo, Bin Yu, Charles E. Grindle, and Michael Lewis. Extending the OneSAF testbed into a C4ISR testbed. SIMULATION: Special Issue on Military Simulation Systems and Command and Control Systems Interoperability, 80(1), December 2004. URL

  6. Katia Sycara, Massimo Paolucci, Martin Van Velsen, and Joseph Andrew Giampapa. The RETSINA MAS infrastructure. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 7(1):29–48, July 2003. Also appears as CMU-RI- TR-01-05, URL

Refereed Conference Papers

  1. Sagar Chaki, Joseph Giampapa, David Kyle, and John Lehoczky. Optimizing robotic team performance with probabilistic model checking. In Davide Brugali, Jan F. Broenink, Torsten Kroeger, and Bruce A. MacDonald (Editors), Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots, volume 8810 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 134–145. Springer International Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-3-319-11899-4. URL

  2. John F. Porter, Kawa Cheung, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and John M. Dolan. A reliability analysis technique for estimating sequentially coordinated multirobot mission performance. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2013), p. 16. CMU, Springer, December 2013.

  3. Sagar Chaki and Joseph Andrew Giampapa. Probabilistic verification of coordinated multi-robot missions. In Ezio Bartocci and C. R. Ramakrishnan (Editors), SPIN, volume 7976 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 135–153. Springer, 2013. ISBN 978-3-642-39175-0.

  4. Zacharie Hall, Rick Kazman, Daniel Plakosh, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Kurt Wallnau. Edge enabled systems. In Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) SOLUTIONS Series George Mason University Symposium on Critical Issues in C4I, May 2010. URL abstracts/whitepapers/edgeenabledsystems.cfm.

  5. Martin J. Kollingbaum, Joseph A. Giampapa, Katia Sycara, and Timothy J. Norman. Agent support for policy-driven collaborative planning in ad-hoc teams. In Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance. Adelphi, Maryland, USA, September 2009.

  6. Martin Kollingbaum, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Katia Sycara, Timothy J. Norman, Christopher Burnett, and Daniele Masato. Automated aiding strategies for decentralized planning with interdependent policies. In Sierra Decker, Sichman and Castelfranchi (Editors), Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multi- agent Systems,, May 2009. URL id=6293.

  7. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Katia Sycara, and Gita Sukthankar. Toward identifying process models in ad hoc and distributed teams. In Koen V. Hindriks and Willem-Paul Brinkman (Editors), Proceedings of the First International Working Conference on Human Factors and Computational Models in Negotiation (HuCom 2008), pp. 55–62. Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands, December 2008. ISBN 978-90-813811-1-6. Also available in ACM Digital Library, URL view.html?pub_id=6286.

  8. Christopher Burnett, Daniele Masato, Mairi McCallum, Timothy J. Norman, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Martin Kollingbaum, and Katia Sycara. Agent support for mission planning under policy constraints. In Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance. London, UK, September 2008. URL

  9. Gita Sukthankar, Katia Sycara, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Christopher Burnett, and Alun Preece. Towards a model of agent-assisted team search. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Technology Alliance in Network and Information Science, September 2007. URL view.html?pub_id=5804.

  10. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Katia Sycara, Sean R. Owens, Robin Glinton, Young-Woo Seo, Bin Yu, Charles E. Grindle, Yang Xu, and Michael Lewis. An agent-based C4ISR testbed. In Eighth International Conference on Information Fusion, volume 2. IEEE, 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997, July 2005. URL

  11. Bin Yu, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Sean R. Owens, and Katia Sycara. An evidential model of multisensor decision fusion for force aggregation and classification. In Eighth International Conference on Information Fusion. IEEE, 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997, July 2005. URL http://www.ri.cmu./edu/publication_view.html?pub_id=5047.

  12. Robin Glinton, Sean R. Owens, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Katia Sycara, Michael Lewis, and Chuck Grindle. Intent inference using a potential field model of environmental influences. In Eighth International Conference on Information Fusion. IEEE, 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997, July 2005. URL

  13. Katia Sycara, Paul Scerri, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Samvith Srinivas, and Michael Lewis. Task allocation in teams for launch and range operations. In 12th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, July 2005. URL

  14. Paul Scerri, Joseph Andrew Giampapa∗, and Katia Sycara. Techniques and directions for building very large agent teams. In Craig Thompson and Henry Hexmoor (Editors), 2005 International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems, KIMAS’05: Modeling, Exploration, and Engineering, pp. 79–84. IEEE Boston Section, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855–1331, April 2005. Invited paper, peer-reviewed, ∗primary author, URL

  15. Charles Grindle, Michael Lewis, Robin Glinton, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Sean R. Owens, and Katia Sycara. Automating terrain analysis: Algorithms for intelligence preparation of the battlefield. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting, pp. 533–537. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, P.O. Box 1369, Santa Monica, CA 90406-1369, September 2004. URL publication_view.html?pub_id=5050.

  16. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Katia Sycara, Austin Fath, Aaron Steinfeld, and Daniel Siewiorek. A multi- agent system for automatically resolving network interoperability problems. In Nicholas R. Jennings, Carles Sierra, Liz Sonenberg, and Milind Tambe (Editors), Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2004), volume 3, pp. 1462 – 1463. The Association for Computing Machinery, Inc., 1515 Broadway, New York, New York 10036 (U.S.A.), July 2004. ISBN ACM 1-58113-864-4/04/0007. URL

  17. Robin Glinton, Sean R. Owens, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Katia Sycara, Charles E. Grindle, and C. Michael Lewis. Terrain-based information fusion and inference. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2004. URL

  18. Robin Glinton, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Sean R. Owens, Katia Sycara, Charles E. Grindle, and C. Michael Lewis. Integrating context for information fusion: Automating intelligence preparation of the battlefield. In Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Human Performance, Situation Awareness, and Automation Technology, March 2004. URL

  19. Joseph Andrew Giampapa and Katia Sycara. Conversational case-based planning for agent team coordination. In David W. Aha and Ian Watson (Editors), Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2001, volume 2080, pp. 189–203. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, July 2001. URL id=3775.

  20. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Octavio H. Juarez-Espinosa, and Katia Sycara. Configuration management for multi-agent systems. In Jorg P. Muller, Elisabeth Andre, Sandip Sen, and Claude Frasson (Editors), The 5th International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents 2001), pp. 230–231. Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036, USA, June 2001. ISBN ACM 1-58113-326-X. URL

  21. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Massimo Paolucci, and Katia Sycara. Agent interoperation across multagent system boundaries. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents 2000). Association for Computing Machinery, ACM, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036, USA, June 2000. ISBN 1-58113-230-1. URL

Refereed Workshop Papers

  1. Sagar Chaki, John M. Dolan, and Joseph Andrew Giampapa. Toward a quantitative method for assuring coordinated autonomy. In Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems (ARMS 2013) Workshop, p. 20. CMU, May 2013. Also appears as CMU-RI-TR-13-12.

  2. Martin J. Kollingbaum, Joseph A. Giampapa, Katia Sycara, and Timothy J. Norman. Policy-driven planning in coalitions — a case study. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms (COIN), May 2009.

  3. Gita Sukthankar, Katia Sycara, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Christopher Burnett. A model of human team- work for agent-assisted search operations. In NATO Research and Technology Organisation: Human Factors and Medicine Panel Symposium (NATO HFM-142/RTO Symposium). NATO RTA / HFM, B.P. 25, 7 Rue Ancelle, F-92201 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex, France, April 2008. URL view.html?pub_id=6009.

  4. Cuihong Li, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. Bilateral negotiation decisions with uncertain dynamic outside options. In Boualem Benatallah, Claude Godart, and Ming Chien Shan (Editors), Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Contracting, pp. 54–61. IEEE Computer Society,10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, P.O. Box 3014, Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1314, July 2004. ISBN 0-7695-2184-3/04.© 2004 IEEE, URL

  5. Young-Woo Seo, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. A multi-agent system for enforcing “need-to- know” security policies. In Paolo Giorgini and Michael Winikoff (Editors), Sixth International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2004), July 2004. URL publication_view.html?pub_id=4689.

  6. Bin Yu, Katia Sycara, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Sean R. Owens. Uncertain information fusion for force aggregation and classification in airborne sensor networks. In Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Adnan Darwiche, and Deborah Estrin (Editors), AAAI-04 Workshop on Sensor Networks. AAAI Press, July 2004. URL

  7. Joseph Andrew Giampapa and Katia Sycara. Team-oriented agent coordination in the RETSINA multi-agent system. In AAMAS 2002 Workshop on Teamwork and Coalition Formation, CMU-RI-TR-02-34. Robotics Institute technical report, December 2002. Peer-reviewed, URL html?pub_id=4167.

Technical Reports

  1. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Aaron Steinfeld, Ermine Teves, M. Bernadine Dias, and Zachary Rubinstein. Ac- cessible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI) Phase I: Assessment of Relevant Research. Technical Report, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2016.

  2. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Aaron Steinfeld, Ermine Teves, M. Bernadine Dias, and Zachary Rubinstein. Acces- sible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI) Phase I: Innovation Scan in Accessible Trans- portation and Technologies. Technical Report, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2016.

  3. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Aaron Steinfeld, Ermine Teves, M. Bernadine Dias, and Zachary Rubinstein. Acces- sible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI) Phase I: State of the Practice Scan. Technical Report, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2016.

  4. Sagar Chaki, John M Dolan, and Joseph Andrew Giampapa. Toward a quantitative method for assuring coordinated autonomy. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-13-12, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2013. Also appears as ARMS 2013 workshop paper.

  5. Guoming Lai, Cuihong Li, Katia Sycara, and Joseph Andrew Giampapa. Modeling multi-attribute negotiations in the Navy detailing process. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-05-06, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, January 2005. Deliverable to the research sponsor, URL 5013.

  6. Guoming Lai, Cuihong Li, Katia Sycara, and Joseph Andrew Giampapa. Literature review on multi-attribute negotiations. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-04-66, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, December 2004. Deliv- erable to the research sponsor, URL

  7. Michael Rectenwald, Young-Woo Seo, Kevin Lee, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. Installation, running and editing instructions for the ClassificationBox text classification tool. Technical Report CMU- RI-TR-04-58, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2004. Deliverable to the research sponsor, URL

  8. Michael Rectenwald, Kevin Lee, Young-Woo Seo, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. Proof of concept system for automatically determining ‘need-to-know’ access privileges: Installation notes and user guide. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-04-56, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2004. Deliverable to the research sponsor, URL

  9. Young-Woo Seo, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. Financial news analysis for intelligent portfolio management. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-04-04, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, January 2004. URL

  10. Cuihong Li, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. A solution for bilateral negotiations in the Navy detailing process. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-48, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, December 2003. Deliverable to the research sponsor, URL

  11. Michael Rectenwald, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Brent K. Langley, and Katia Sycara. RETSINA agent name service documentation. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-11, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, December 2003. URL

  12. Wei Yang Katia Sycara and Joseph Andrew Giampapa. Decentralized matching schemes for the Navy detailing process. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-51, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, December 2003. Deliverable to the research sponsor, URL

  13. Cuihong Li, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. Modelling bilateral negotiations in the Navy detailing process. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-47, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2003. Deliverable to the research sponsor, URL

  14. Wei Yang, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. Two-sided matching for the U.S. Navy detailing process with market complication. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-49, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2003. Deliverable to the research sponsor, URL pub_id=5058.

  15. Cuihong Li, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. A review of research literature on bilateral negoti- ations. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-41, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2003. Deliverable to the research sponsor, URL

  16. Michael Rectenwald, Rahul Singh, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Katia Sycara, Sandra Esch, and Bonnie John. User guide for MORSE command simulation: Setup and running instructions.  Technical Report CMU-RI- TR-03-40, Robotics Institute / Human Computer Interaction Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2003. URL

  17. Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Sandra L. Esch, Bonnie E. John, Rahul Singh, and Katia Sycara. Evaluation criteria for the MORSE simulation environment. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-38, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2003. URL

  18. Michael Rectenwald, Rahul Singh, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Sandy Esch, Katia Sycara, and Bonnie John. User guide for MORSEStation range operations simulation. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-37, Robotics Institute / Human Computer Interaction Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2003. URL http://www.ri.cmu. edu/publication_view.html?pub_id=4494.

  19. Aaron Steinfeld, Ritika Sanghi, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Daniel Siewiorek, and Katia Sycara. An examina- tion of remote access help desk cases. Technical Report CMU-CS-03-190, Computer Science Department, Pitts- burgh, PA, September 2003. Also appears as CMU-HCII-03-100, URL view.html?pub_id=4498.

  20. Young-Woo Seo, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, and Katia Sycara. Text classification for intelligent portfolio management. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-02-14, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2002. URL

  21. Katia Sycara, Massimo Paolucci, Martin Van Velsen, and Joseph Andrew Giampapa. The RETSINA MAS infrastructure. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-01-05, Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2001. URL

Other Publications

  1. Joseph Andrew Giampapa and Gabriela Hug-Glanzmann. A cyber-physical and agent-based defense to false data injection attacks on a SCADA system. In Smart Grid Cyber Security and Data Management, 24 Septem- ber 2012. Great Lakes Symposium on Smart Grid and the New Energy Economy panel session. Invited by Mohammad Shahidehpour, Chair of the Symposium.

  2. Joseph Andrew Giampapa and Gabriela Hug-Glanzmann. SCADA/EMS security assessments and autonomous remedies. In R&D to Advance Existing Smart Grid Security, 19 January 2012. Peer-reviewed panel session abstract and presentation in IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT 2012).

  3. Joseph Andrew Giampapa. Compositional assurance for robotic coordination. In Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) Layered Assurance Workshop (LAW), 5 6 December 2011. Peer-reviewed abstract and presentation.

  4. Joseph Andrew Giampapa. A multi-layer defense for power grid SCADA systems. In Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) Layered Assurance Workshop (LAW), 5 6 December 2011. Peer-reviewed abstract and presentation.

  5. Joseph Andrew Giampapa. A framework for modeling and simulating human cyber-physical systems. In Epistemology of Modelling & Simulation National Conference. University of Pittsburgh:  Graduate School of Public Health, Center for Philosophy of Science, MIDAS National Center of Excellence, 1 − 3 April 2011. Peer-reviewed and accepted abstract and poster, URL All/Conferences/others/other_conf_2010-11/modeling_simulation/abstracts.htm.

  6. Joseph Andrew Giampapa and Gabriela Hug-Glanzmann. A survey of techniques for protecting power grid SCADA systems. 7th Annual Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry: Emerging Phenomena in Changing Electric Energy Systems, 8 − 9 March 2011. Peer-reviewed abstract and presentation.

  7. Andres Diaz Pace, Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Mark Klein, and John B. Goodenough. An overview of dis- tributed constraint satisfaction and optimization. Online Presentation, March 2010. URL http://www.sei.

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